Alerta do Google - Arkansas Police

Arkansas Police
Atualização assim que ocorre 7 de outubro de 2017
... remained closed between Cantrell and Evergreen Drive. Check back for updates and read Sunday's Arkansas Democrat-Gazette for full details.
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Her son said people have driven by their home, shouting threats and obscenities, and they have called police several times out of fear for their safety.
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Police say some sort of a disturbance took place outside Local Union in the Prospect Building parking lot around 4 a.m. An off-duty officer working at ...
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Hardy Police Station
View phone details, business hours, full address for Hardy Police Station in Hardy, AR 870-856-2136. Whitepages is the most trusted online directory.
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NLR police say man shot in shoulder
NLR police say man shot in shoulder. Arkansas Democrat-Gazette - 2017-10-07 - ARKANSAS -. A man was shot in the shoulder in North Little Rock ...
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Police: Woman set on fire last month in West Virginia dies
Police: Woman set on fire last month in West Virginia dies. BECKLEY, W.Va. – Police say a West Virginia woman allegedly set on fire by her boyfriend ...
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Las Vegas killer Stephen Paddock was lone shooter, police say
Las Vegas killer Stephen Paddock was lone shooter, police say close Vegas police ask for tips, not rumors, related to shooting Las Vegas official calls ...
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