Alerta do Google - Arkansas Weather

Arkansas Weather
Atualização assim que ocorre 3 de dezembro de 2017
A storm sweeping across the Plains on Monday will slam areas from Little Rock, Arkansas, to Chicago with potentially heavy thunderstorms, leading to localized wind damage and flooding. While these storms could cause problems along major highways in the area, as well as airline delays, the weather ...
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"We are kind of seeing the epicenter of this drought originate in western Arkansas and eastern Oklahoma and moving westward," potentially as far as New Mexico, according to Todd Lindley, science and operations officer at the National Weather Service Forecast Office in Norman, Oklahoma. In western ...
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States with high senior incomes like Hawaii and Colorado generally have healthier senior populations, according to the data, while low-income states like Arkansas and Mississippi rank among the worst. "With an abundance of outdoor activities, year-round warm weather and affordable real estate, ...
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It's actually the Super Frost Moon because it's happening in December and the weather in most places is, you know, kind of frosty. The Dec. 3 moon will be 16 percent brighter and appear 7 percent bigger than usual, which doesn't compare to last year's massive November extra-super moon. That was ...
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