Alerta do Google - Arkansas Police

Arkansas Police
Atualização assim que ocorre 3 de dezembro de 2017
A Hatfield woman died Friday after the vehicle she was driving struck a truck in Scott County, according to a preliminary report from Arkansas State Police. Mary Turpin, 65, was driving a 2008 Chevrolet HHR south on U.S. 71 south of Y City just before 4:30 p.m. when the vehicle crossed into the other ...
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The El Dorado Police Department's Criminal Apprehension Division arrested the pair at the West Cook residence. • Brandi S. Riggins, 31, of 2722 N. College, was arrested on Nov. 28 on warrants for violation of the Arkansas Hot Check Law and failure to appear. • Deanna S. Edwards, 35, of 208 E. 30th, ...
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The nonprofit Canopy Northwest Arkansas and other resettlement organizations help refugees begin new lives with an apartment stocked by volunteers and ... Sgt. Anthony Murphy with Fayetteville Police said he wasn't aware of any issues that had come up and the department would be happy to help ...
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Penjoy Collectible Model
In really amazing condition. basically new. Made by Penjoy.
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Secret Police Possible at Arkansas Capitol, Perhaps Colleges
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ARKANSAS STATE POLICE ASP Troopers Highway Patrol Smaller HAT Patch AR
ARKANSAS STATE POLICE ASP Troopers Highway Patrol Smaller HAT Patch AR | Collectibles, Historical Memorabilia, Police | eBay!
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