Alerta do Google - Arkansas Police

Arkansas Police
Atualização assim que ocorre 2 de dezembro de 2017
A man was shot four times at a west Little Rock apartment complex early Friday, police said. It happened about 2:30 a.m. at 1912 Green Mountain Drive, the listed address for Fairfield Apartments. Ray McGuire, 22, of Little Rock was taken to a nearby hospital with four gunshot wounds and was later ...
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LITTLE ROCK — A former Arkansas judge has asked the high court to reconsider his request to appeal his federal bribery conviction. ... Maggio's new petition filed Thursday pins his hopes on another case in which a former Florida police chief has asked the high court to hear his appeal of a similar ...
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LITTLE ROCK, Ark. - A Little Rock Police officer is responding tonight after accusations he posted a racial slur on social media. In a letter to Police Chief Kenton Buckner, his attorney says a push to remove him from the department over a four year old post is unfair and they've found evidence that a ...
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The fire and police departments held their annual charity softball game in October. Yandell planned the game for the fire department. The game raised more than $1,500 for The Cabot Christmas for Kids and C.O.P.S. Toy Patrol. His leadership in helping the event was instrumental to its success.
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Bentonville arkansas police scanner
48, County Fire Disp. Clark · W5RHS SKYWARN Repeater System 147. Sheriff @protectbenco · Little Flock Police @littleflockpd Each of these divisions is staffed by dedicated men and women who work together on a daily basis to provide quality services to each of our residents and visitors. Police ...
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