Alerta do Google - Arkansas Police

Arkansas Police
Atualização assim que ocorre 19 de setembro de 2017
The death of Anthony Howard, 50, an inmate at the East Arkansas Regional Unit in Brickeys (Lee County) has been referred to the Arkansas State ...
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BENTON COUNTY - Police have a warning for Northwest Arkansas families after a Rogers man was arrested for the second time for the rape of a ...
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WYNNE, Ark. — An Arkansas inmate has been captured after escaping for ... Baldwin was arrested in August on a DWI charge, but fled before police ...
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... from Omaha were killed Saturday afternoon while riding a motorcycle in Carroll County near Beaver Town, an Arkansas State Police report said.
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Curtis Acre, 16, of Greenbrier won second place in the Arkansas 4-H ... Police Chief Ruben Goss planned to return them to the highway department.
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