Alerta do Google - Arkansas Police

Arkansas Police
Atualização assim que ocorre 2 de agosto de 2017
The Arkansas State Police announced Tuesday that troopers will be equipped with Narcan, an anti-opioid medication that has already grown in use ...
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The Arkansas State Police is investigating the July 22 incident, but the Department of Correction says it was not informed of the shots fired until it was ...
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The Little Rock Board of Directors approved the purchase of 31 new Tasers for the Little Rock Police Department during its Tuesday meeting.
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At least three people died in vehicle accidents on Arkansas roads, according to Arkansas State Police. A 60-year-old man died Monday afternoon in a ...
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Arkansas man caught performing sexual acts on donkey is arrested by police
An Arkansas man has been arrested after being accused of having sex with a family's pet donkey on multiple occasions.
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