Alerta do Google - Arkansas Weather

Arkansas Weather
Atualização assim que ocorre 29 de junho de 2017
Arkansas Regional Weather for 6/29/17
Mostly sunny in Northwest Arkansas on Thursday with storms arriving Friday.
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2017-06-29 - WEATHER
WEATHER. Arkansas Democrat-Gazette - 2017-06-29 - FRONT PAGE -. LITTLE ROCK. Today Partly sunny, chance of showers and thunderstorms.
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Ten Commandments monument destroyed in Arkansas
Little Rock, AR (WHDH) — A Ten Commandments monument was smashed to pieces not even 24 hours after it was placed on the state capitol lawn in ...
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Fugitive Sex Offender Captured By ACC/SRT Agents - HOT SPRINGS
June 28, 2017 paulmaddox Off Arkansas News, ... Today, Arkansas Community Correction Special Response Team Agents, ... Arkansas Weather.
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