Alerta do Google - Arkansas Police

Arkansas Police
Atualização assim que ocorre 25 de junho de 2017
FAYETTEVILLE (KFSM) — A University of Arkansas student told police she was the victim of a robbery late Friday (June 23). The student called ...
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Officers were called about 7:45 p.m. Saturday to a shooting in the 4500 block of Montclair Road, dispatch records show. That area is south of 16th ...
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According to Arkansas State Police, 33-year-old John Ridge of Lake City was driving east near County Road 954 around 2:15 p.m. when he crossed ...
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Okay people. Guy, AR. Probably the worst place in Arkansas, and that's saying something. I've been pulled over and ticketed twice by the same...
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Check AP Police Constable Civil, AR & Warder Result 2017 With Marks List & Score Card. appolice. Ohio Scholarships. 90 seats for Ar Andhra ...
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