Alerta do Google - Arkansas Weather

Arkansas Weather
Atualização assim que ocorre 1 de maio de 2017
The National Weather Service said flood warnings would likely be extended in parts of Oklahoma, northern Arkansas, Missouri, Illinois and Indiana, ...
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At least ten other deaths occurred in Arkansas, Missouri, Mississippi and Tennessee due to the severe weather, according to the Associated Press.
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Authorities in Polaski County, Missouri, told the National Weather Service .... Flooding is expected along Arkansas Highway 143 and Meadowlands ...
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The death of a north-central Arkansas fire chief struck by a vehicle while ... the state's count of weather-related fatalities, bringing the death toll to five. Arkansas State Police say Cove Creek/Pearson Fire Chief Doug Decker died early ...
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The death toll from tornadoes and storms in parts of the South and Midwest rose to at least 13 by evening Sunday, authorities said. Deaths from the ...
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