Alerta do Google - Arkansas Police

Arkansas Police
Atualização assim que ocorre 21 de maio de 2017
Last week, a formal warning from the Arkansas Ethics Commission for being too nice to the police in his hometown of North Little Rock. The Dallas ...
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Jerry Jones reprimanded for treating Arkansas police officers to Cowboys games
The Dallas Cowboys owner gave improper gifts to North Little Rock police officers but will be given a warning for the violation of Arkansas ethics laws ...
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Jerry Jones reprimanded for treating Arkansas police officers to Cowboys games
What a year Jerry Jones is having. First, election to the Pro Football Hall of Fame. Last week, a formal warning from the Arkansas Ethics Commission ...
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News: - ST: Jerry Jones reprimanded for treating Arkansas police officers to Cowboys games
What a year Jerry Jones is having. First, election to the Pro Football Hall of Fame. Last week, a formal warning from the Arkansas Ethics Commission...
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