Alerta do Google - Arkansas State

Arkansas State
Atualização assim que ocorre 16 de março de 2017
Coming off a strong five-inning outing against Murray State last Wednesday, senior pitcher Austin McPheron received the start against Arkansas State.
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A bill introduced into the Arkansas state House of Representatives would restore the traditional definition as the law in the Natural State.
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Arkansas State University on Wednesday announced a $300,000 gift from the Bradbury Family Foundation of Little Rock that will fund merit-based ...
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Poet Terry Minchow-Proffitt, Arkansas State University alumnus, will read from his work, including his newest book, Chicken Train: Poems From the ...
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We are on top of the changing proposed rules within the State of Arkansas, and we feel we should be able to meet all the present proposed ...
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The Arkansas Senate on Wednesday handily approved a bill that its ... stop whistleblowers" who expose illegal practices under state and federal law.
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Echoing a movement of other states to block transgender people from using the bathrooms of their choice, the Arkansas Legislature had its first ...
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"Instead, he ends up in a suitcase dumped in a field in Arkansas. ... Gilbo said New York authorities won't extradite the couple back to the state to face ...
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