Alerta do Google - Arkansas Police

Arkansas Police
Atualização assim que ocorre 16 de março de 2017
Arkansas' governor let Act 474, which would allow Capitol Police to shield information about officers from the public, become law without his signature.
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A teenager hunting for diamonds at an Arkansas state park struck it big this weekend. .... We will work with Seattle police to assist in their investigation.
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North Little Rock police said Thursday that 52-year-old bicyclist Ricky ... which crosses the Arkansas River and connects downtown Little Rock and ...
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"Instead, he ends up in a suitcase dumped in a field in Arkansas." Police said Brooks, who was 4 feet 11 inches tall, wasn't dismembered. Gilbo said ...
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Three men fired shots inside a Little Rock home after the victims tried to sell the assailants a firearm Wednesday evening, police said. Police arrived at ...
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FAYETTEVILLE -- A suspect in a Forrest City shooting death was arrested here late Wednesday after police said he punched and threatened to kill a ...
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The Little Rock Police Department was called around 3:15 a.m. to 23rd and Tyler streets in reference to a cutting that had just occurred, a report stated.
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