Alerta do Google - Arkansas State

Arkansas State
Atualização assim que ocorre 26 de fevereiro de 2017
Luciana Thomas of Haas Hall Academy swims in the girls' 100-yard butterfly Saturday during the Class 1A-5A Arkansas State Swimming and Diving ...
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LITTLE ROCK, Ark. (AP) - The Arkansas State Police says a 14-year-old girl has died in a Jefferson County car crash that also left four people injured.
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A new agreement between Arkansas State University in Jonesboro and its new Mexico campus will reset the length of the partnership to a decade and ...
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Cities across the United States and in Arkansas own hundreds of thousands of dollars in forgotten money catalogued by auditors in the state.
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Rugby Hands Indiana 46-23 Loss
JONESBORO - Arkansas State University's rugby team put on a high octane show and handed Indiana University a 46-23 loss Saturday afternoon at ...
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